Rotary Kiln Manufacturer - Parts, Components

Our low overhead manufacturing process delivers exceptional value.

Our in-house fabrication capabilities enables customers to save as much as 30% on kiln parts versus the price of OEM kiln manufacturer parts. Some of the kiln parts we manufacture are:

- Tires

- Trunnion Rollers

- Thrust Rollers

- Carrying Rollers

- Bearings

- Gears


Custom Rotary Kiln Parts

We are an industry leader for the design and manufacturing of custom parts for rotary kilns.

When it's time to replace parts and major components you need the help of industry experts. With most parts and systems there are variables that affect life cycle cost, performance and unexpected downtime. The specifications, tolerances and design attributes of a replacement part determine value. We strive to produce high quality parts at a reasonable cost. We've earned a reputation as a trusted and reliable supplier of rotary kiln parts.

Our value proposition is four-fold:

1.Cost Savings:great wall steel casting is a low cost producer, and an excellent alternative to high-priced OEM parts.

2.Expert Consulting: Including on-site assessments, field measuring and troubleshooting.

3.Design Specialists: OEM parts replication, reverse engineer or improve specifications.

4.Fast Lead Times: Complete in-house resources for engineering design and parts fabrication.

CHAENG(Great Wall Casting Co.,Ltd)

Custom 1-150 t Steel Castings according to Your Drawing
